Payment Methods
Socially offers local bank payout(manual) as well, you will need to configure it directly in the CMS.
NOTE: You are responsible for your own taxes & local currency. Kindly consult your accountant for more details.
Stripe Payment Method Setup:
Go to Stripe & create a new account.
Login to your dashboard & turn your account on by flipping the switch from “Test” to “Live”.
Click Activate Account in the pop up window to fill out the standard business details Stripe needs to send you payments.
Once you’ve completed the entire form, click Activate Account.
Now that your account is live, go to Your Account and click on Account Settings.
Click the API Keys tab & copy the Live Secret Key & Publishable Key.
Go to Admin Panel -> Payments & Ads -> Payment Configuration, find Stripe and edit the following options:
Enable Stripe Payment Method by clicking on the toggle.
Stripe API Secret Key - Your Stripe secret key that starts with sk_
Stripe Publishable Key - Your Stripe publishable key that starts with pk_
To be changed to stripe connect in the upcoming version.
Paypal Payment method setup:
Login to PayPal, then click here:
Set your app name, email address then click Create App.
On the top right side, you can see two tabs, SandBox and Live, Choose Live.
Go to Admin Panel -> Payments & Ads -> Payment Configuration, find PayPal and edit the following options:
Enable PayPal Payment Method by clicking on the toggle.
PayPal Mode - Choose Live (In case your app is in Live mode).
PayPal Clinet ID - PayPal application ID you created in the previous chapter.
PayPal Secret Key - PayPal application secret key you created in the previous chapter.
Log into the Merchant Interface.
Click Account from the main toolbar.
Click Settings in the main left-side menu.
Click API Credentials & Keys.
Select New Transaction Key.Note: When obtaining a new Transaction Key, you may choose to disable the old Transaction Key by clicking the box titled, Disable Old Transaction Key Immediately. You may want to do this if you suspect your previous Transaction Key is being used fraudulently.
Click Submit to continue.
Request and enter PIN for verification.
Your new Transaction Key is displayed.
If the Disable Old Transaction Key Immediately box is not checked, the old Transaction Key will automatically expire in 24 hours. When the box is checked, the Transaction Key expires immediately.
Go to Admin Panel -> Payments & Ads -> Payment Configuration, find and edit the following options:
Enable Payment Method by clicking on the toggle. Mode - Choose Live (In case your app is in Live mode).
Authorize.Net API LOGIN ID - Your API Login ID.
Authorize.Net TRANSACTION KEY - TRANSACTION KEY you copied in the previous chapter.
Last updated
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