
  • What is MarketPlace?

    • MarketPlace is a revenue generation feature, with MarketPlace users can:

      1. Sell their own products.

      2. Buy products from other users.

    We recommend keeping this as facebook marketplace & let users decide what to be done, there are better ways to monetisation like subscription & advertising.

  • How to turn on MarketPlace?

    • You can turn MarketPlace On/Off from Admin Panel -> Manage Features -> Store -> Store Settings

  • How MarketPlace Payment works?

    • Per video sale, paid by user's wallet.

  • How much can I earn from this system?

    • Your net earning will be (Commission Percentage * Product Price / 100) = Net Earnings, e.g: (2 * 12 / 100) = $0.24, so you'll get $0.24 from every new sale.

    • You can change the commission percentage from Admin Panel -> Manage Features -> Store -> Store Settings -> Sales Commission

Last updated