πŸ”‘Social Login

NOTE: Social logins wont work incase of custom-domain.

How to setup twitter/X login?

  • Go to apps.twitter.com and click on Sign In in the top right. Log in using your personal Twitter credentials.

  • Apply for API access: https://developer.twitter.com/en/apply-for-access, without this process you can't create any apps.

  • If this is your first time creating an App on Twitter. You will see a button to Create an app

  • On the Create an application page, fill out all the information Twitter is asking for.

    1. App Name - Enter your website name.

    2. Application description - Enter your website description.

    3. Website URL - Enter your domain name, without http or https (example.com, www.example.com).

    4. Enable and click on Enable Sign with Twitter.

    5. Privacy Policy URL - Enter your website's privacy policy URL (example.com/terms/privacy).

    6. Terms of Service URL - Enter your website's Terms of Service URL (example.com/terms/terms).

    7. Tell us how this app will be used - Fill the infromation.

  • After you successfully created the Twitter application you’ll be redirected to its Details Tab. click on the Permissions tab. In this tab you will find a Access option. please choose Read and Write from the list, scroll down and click on the Update Settings button to save your changes.

    1. Request email address from users option should be enabled for Social Login plugin.

  • After you make sure, that the settings have been saved, go to the application’s API keys page by clicking on the Keys and Tokens tab.

  • Grab and copy API key and API secret key.

  • Go to Admin Panel -> Settings -> Social Login Settings -> Twitter Configuration & Edit the following options:

    1. Consumer Key - Enter the API key.

    2. Consumer Secret - Enter the API secret key.

    3. Enable Twitter Login.

Note: When you enter the URL of your website in to the Website URL field, make sure that it does match the URL of your website 100%.

This means, if you go to your website and then check the URL in the browser and the URL does look like http://www.domain.com then you need to enter the exact same URL. If your website URL is http://domain.com then you need to enter it that way, without using the www at the front of the name.

Use the same URL for the Callback URL field.

If these entries do not completely match the URL of your website, the application won’t work and it will show an error message when you try to connect to the App. How to setup Google Sign in?

Setting up Google+ Social Login:

  1. Access the Google API Manager console with your Google credentials and choose "Create Project."

  2. Provide a project name and initiate its creation.

  3. From the Google Cloud Platform dropdown, select your new project.

  4. Navigate to "APIs & Services" and select "+ENABLE APIS AND SERVICES" to find and activate the Google+ API.

  5. Under "Credentials" in the top navigation bar, opt for "+Create credentials" followed by "Oauth client ID."

  6. On the OAuth consent screen, select "External," complete the form, and advance through the saving process.

  7. Ensure your domain is listed under "Authorized domains."

  8. Add the scopes "auth/userinfo.email" and "auth/userinfo.profile" by selecting them and updating your choices.

  9. Finalize your OAuth consent screen setup by saving and navigating back to the dashboard.

  10. Publish your app via the "PUBLISH APP" button.

  11. Again, under "Credentials," create another OAuth client ID for a web application, adding your site's login redirect URIs.

  12. Note down the provided Client ID and Client secret for your website's configuration.

  13. In your website's admin panel, under Social Login Settings for Google+, input the Client ID and secret, enabling Google+ Login.

Last updated